best comments
Gazelle vs janitor
"Unfortunate" smokers complain that they are "infringed".
Beautiful girl.
We remember.
Russia 6:2 Finland!!! YAAAAAAAA! OUR IN THE FINAL!
Not all children are still hopeless!
Pickup master!
Chalk drawing on asphalt
There are already 542 users on the ignore list.
I will buy an ax
DPSnik disperses pedestrians going to red
Sriyantra or how to activate the right hemisphere (creative)
Graduation video: how a half-naked schoolgirl Nastya Fomenko received a certificate.
Spiderman wants too
can someone explain to me what is going on?
It exists!
Water in a bottle, wine in a glass
Alan Dzagoev: we are very ashamed of our game
Gazelle vs janitor
I don't like stereotypes..
Morning did not start with coffee
Grandmother does homework with her grandson
If you know what I mean)
Russia's main trouble.
One hope for dear Ukraine!
This is the tutor
"People", what's wrong with you???
True story
A day with those who die tomorrow
girls stop smoking
Today is exactly three months since I stopped drinking, all the advantages of a sober life in the comments.
We remember.
Look how he holds a gun....
Help to find an actress by picture
What did they lose there?
There is no racism in Ukraine..
Sea sand under the microscope
Mom of Anton Uralsky calls M-Video
GAI BUT with a prayer book (mats are present)
Follow the road!
I was too lazy to wash two pots...
Brothers, such brothers
Advertising such advertising
I just have no words ... Why did I watch this?
Friends, tell me!
Amazing calligraphy
Let's see how many of our brothers are on the site?)) I even know who will downvote.
Just watch and laugh
If you know what I mean)
Necessary thing
Fraer's greed ruined ...
After Friday...
straight from the USSR
This is the tutor
rare copy
Pause! Eat Twix!
Failed assassination
Screensaver for the TV show "In the Animal World" (1970-90)
Grandfather and grandson.
Collective intelligence, tell me how to be?
This is December 31st
Picture from pictures.
Today is Pikachu's birthday!
How to define a stroke.
I don't understand at all! What the fuck is going on in this world!!!!!!
Morning in Karelia!
My new friend
Please read without a share of humor (spend three minutes)
About renaming.
This is her day
This is her day
Who has this chandelier?
Pretty soulless
wiped away a tear
- And I say you were not in this queue!
Gazelle vs janitor
One actor
Do not joke with a boa constrictor !!!!!
Among us, Pikabushniks, there is one element that, hiding behind God and good deeds, put 10 times more minuses than pluses.
From this compiler =)
Walked along the beach, took a picture, does anyone know what it is?)))
A faithful Muslim woman goes out into the street only in a veil and only accompanied by her husband:
Neighbor Vol.2
Very relevant to me
Who drank store-bought absinthe at home?
Pretty Face
About anecdotes
idiot's dream...
"Trolling Together" Uncle Adi Tutorial Course