vipos89 posts

03-November-2021 Wednesday
Response to the post "Translated the interactive lessons "CSS Basic Course" and "JavaScript Basic Course""

03-June-2021 Thursday
GearMan's answer in "Deception. Hangetsu Tea. St. Petersburg."

01-June-2021 Tuesday
Peekaboo, get well

18-May-2021 Tuesday
Winter animal in Belarus

11-May-2021 Tuesday
For those who drown Mundak

14-April-2019 Sunday
Yandex, how so?))

07-April-2019 Sunday
beggar beggar strife

01-March-2019 Friday
How to deal with STO

28-January-2019 Monday
How to deal with insurance

24-July-2017 Monday
Strange email

24-July-2017 Monday
Acquaintance with a mother on a dating site

28-March-2017 Tuesday
Toys from the Polissya factory

28-November-2016 Monday
The bribe did not take place

17-November-2016 Thursday
Alexei! Hang in there and good cheer

14-November-2016 Monday
Found a coin. What is this coin

06-September-2016 Tuesday
Do I have the right to refuse an award?

03-September-2016 Saturday
