vilkaglaz posts

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28-May-2020 Thursday
According to statistics, for 10 girls there are 9 guys

20-May-2020 Wednesday
"Miracle". Taking care of clients

20-April-2020 Monday
Communist services are paid separately

28-February-2019 Thursday
Black star Burger: we'll give you gloves, we won't give you tasty food.

28-December-2018 Friday
Yes, you do nothing there, you only get money

13-December-2018 Thursday
Notes of a tax evader

06-December-2017 Wednesday
Without a report there is no passage

12-November-2017 Sunday
How to get rich with peekaboo (failed)

20-October-2017 Friday
With a car - more expensive)

17-September-2017 Sunday
When you bet the total under, and the referee - the total over

10-September-2017 Sunday
Pissed and disappeared

10-June-2017 Saturday
Explorer's Notes. Registration form for passengers and bed linen LU-72 or "meadow"

06-June-2017 Tuesday
Explorer's Notes. Answers to questions, interesting passengers

03-June-2017 Saturday
Explorer's Notes. Interferes with the passenger and his things from the top shelf, mattress and pillow without buying bed linen, hand signals of the conductor

01-June-2017 Thursday
Explorer's Notes. Hares passing through the conductor

31-May-2017 Wednesday
Explorer's Notes. Funny and not very stories. They didn’t open the doors to the car, the conductor is sleeping and doing nothing

31-May-2017 Wednesday
Notes conductors. The life of the conductor on the reverse side, decoding the serial number of the car

31-May-2017 Wednesday
Explorer's Notes. Outlets, smoking, train tickets, missed the train

30-May-2017 Tuesday
Explorer's Notes

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