best comments
Businessmen probably
Response to the post "Response to the post or "genocide" of Russians in Uzbekistan in the 90s"
Continuation of the post “Am I fucking that I want to sell my share in the apartment to my parents for the full price?”
Am I an asshole for humiliating a man by “pretending to be Japanese”?
Ozon and the impossibility of returning goods
Poor but clean
The answer is "smokers"
Postman. No. 16 "Contactless letter delivery"
Curious tutor
“Not a man, but a neuter gender. You live in the capital, not at a resort.”
Again about the mother-in-law
The answer is "smokers"
Love will come unwittingly
When HR represents Kazakhstan only on the film "Borat"
Tale of a woman, 50 meters and a garbage chute [Conflict settled]
Go shopping
Response to the post “For people who grew up in poverty, what did you think was luxury then?”
Am I an asshole for humiliating a man by “pretending to be Japanese”?
Reply to the post “Some children mistakenly believe that they are untouchable. A former boxing coach proved the opposite."
Postman. No. 16 "Contactless letter delivery"
That awkward moment
Theft in Dixie
Continuation of the post “Family psychologist Alexei Kapranov explains why the Russian family is in crisis and what to do about it”
Terrorist? Quad bike?
"Zatosyava" or about children's names and parental imagination
Am I living right?
Let's have a laugh
From princes to rags
Pity the car
Reply to the post "Memory for faces is bad ..."
Normal social advertising in the metro!
A brothel with transvestites from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan was busted in Moscow
What will the subway smell like? You decide!
Reply to the post “ABOUT DAZDRAPERME”
The mother of a raped disabled child spoke about a hospital near Moscow
Small women's handbag
This is all that will remain after me
Cunningly fictional customer
Reply to the post "It's all about the algorithm"
“My mother-in-law gave me my own socks”: people talk about the most offensive birthday gifts
These voices are not in the head, they are real.
One day