vikavika3 posts

18-November-2015 Wednesday
The story of Kai and Gerda

07-January-2015 Wednesday
Contemporary relations

03-November-2014 Monday
Giants in the ring, or excess growth hormone

06-October-2014 Monday
Prepare for history

30-August-2014 Saturday
Walder Frey - Generalist

14-July-2014 Monday
Surgut students are so harsh...

06-June-2014 Friday
Russians in the shopping centers of the Caucasus

18-March-2014 Tuesday
Bought a kitten for a child

16-March-2014 Sunday
He really doesn't care

21-February-2014 Friday
And this is where I thought

02-February-2014 Sunday
Advertising such advertising

20-January-2014 Monday
After what he saw, the surgeon wanted to hang himself [2]

03-December-2013 Tuesday
Well, did you sleep?
