worst comments
An ambitious construction project: a horizontal skyscraper will be built in China.
When mom is on the alert
It's always nice to see moments like this.
New level squats
Leaving the friend zone
Not my day
Accept in the League of Good? C:
Schoolchildren on the bus
Someone gets his fines
It's better not to give a thumbs up when you're trying to drink from a keg.
Evil you.
Working as a traffic cop is also fun.
Shellers. And who do you belong to?
bought a new cat mat
"Mother and child" or boiled!
Google Vs Yandex.
How do these fagots piss me off.
Star Wars navigator)
I just noticed now :)
People who say...
New level squats
The value of things
It was remembered, not normative lexicon is possible.
jokes about bass players and other bullshit. boiled up already.
Clock, pop, mirror
64 kg guarantee!