best comments
forty seven thousand two hundred thirty six
So help people after that...
Another clever tongue
Journalists are worse than prostitutes
How to determine the sex of a tit
I went to the balcony...
Why (from the point of view of Orthodoxy) you shouldn’t go to church during a pandemic
Natural selection at its finest
I went to the balcony...
How to determine the sex of a tit
Smelly colleague
How to determine the sex of a tit
The police also read Pikabu
So help people after that...
Leather mask
How to determine the sex of a tit
How to never confuse corvids again
How to determine the sex of a tit
How to determine the sex of a tit
Diversity of a number of woodpeckers in Ukraine, part one
Why do pigeons often have missing toes?
Natural selection at its finest
Price for lemons in Ukraine
A useless, and maybe even dangerous, thing!
Everyone should know how funny I am
Journalists are worse than prostitutes
Ice cream
Why do pigeons often have missing toes?
So help people after that...
Diversity of a number of woodpeckers in Ukraine, part one
A woman infected with coronavirus escaped from quarantine. Police intercepted her in the Leningrad region
Squirrels carry nuts, and shy jackdaws make their own rules
Price for lemons in Ukraine
Price for lemons in Ukraine
Is it necessary to transfer utilities into one’s name after a person’s death?
How to determine the sex of a tit
How to determine the sex of a tit