best comments
Oh selfies.
Oh selfies.
Rose in bleached hair under a microscope.
Rose in bleached hair under a microscope.
Russia, Crimea
My friend works as a trainer at the new Aquarium in Vladivostok, where they train dolphins and beluga whales for future demonstrations.
Life is tough...
Internship in Korea
Happy Holidays!
Rose in bleached hair under a microscope.
Vk not working
Did this song get you too?
wet shamrock
Rose in bleached hair under a microscope.
fox bite
Rush hour
Summer touches.
Monument to the Heroes of the Soviet Union A. Matrosov and M. Gubaidullin.
Need help or WTF?!
The whole truth about fairy tales.
The girl threw off a photo of sleeping kittens, could not help but share)
Rose in bleached hair under a microscope.