user7848885 comments

13-June-2024 Thursday
What will my son get for buying a hidden miner? Girl blackmails with prison

07-June-2024 Friday
Reply to the post “Women compete with men in peek-a-boo, who has a worse life?”

04-January-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Left my ex 60 thousand to live on after breaking up”

03-January-2024 Wednesday
Left his ex 60 thousand to live on after breaking up

16-December-2023 Saturday
@moderator [Answer available]

03-December-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “It’s hot”

03-December-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “The Boy’s Word”

14-November-2023 Tuesday
It's time to grow up

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Do household disabled people with money have a future?
