user7475193 comments

23-April-2024 Tuesday
When your claws slide and click on the tile floor and you "want to get to the rats" you can blame it on the pet store owners

13-September-2023 Wednesday
Friends! We voiced Futurama (season 8, episode 7)!

03-September-2023 Sunday
Friends! We voiced Angel Legend [OVA] (Season 1, Episode 1) (For Elections)!

31-August-2023 Thursday
Response to the post "State Duma Deputy Gurulyov called for a strike on Rabotino with nuclear weapons"

31-August-2023 Thursday
There will be a cry if a rocket flies into the University

31-August-2023 Thursday
Election race at the crossing

24-August-2023 Thursday
Friends! We voiced Futurama (season 8, episode 5)!
