user7250742 posts
08-January-2024 Monday
Snow White is depressed or how fairy tales tell us that depression is necessary and important
08-January-2024 Monday
All depressed people are convinced that they have realized some terrible truth about themselves and the world.
07-January-2024 Sunday
Worry as a way to distract yourself
07-January-2024 Sunday
Depression is a common cold among mental problems
07-January-2024 Sunday
I'm suffocating! I'm having a heart attack! Or how the brain lies during a panic attack
06-January-2024 Saturday
Negative thoughts act as self-fulfilling prophecies
06-January-2024 Saturday
Hello, klutz! I'm your inner critic
06-January-2024 Saturday
Anxiety as a motivator: Myth or reality?
05-January-2024 Friday
Fear of success? What nonsense? This definitely can’t happen... Certainly not for me
05-January-2024 Friday
Why do you miss your New Year's goals every year?
29-December-2023 Friday
When CustDev Doesn't Work: The Substitution of Reality, the Illusion of Confirmation, or Why We Ask What We Want to Hear
29-December-2023 Friday
Instructions for making wishes come true. New Year's post
29-December-2023 Friday
Compliments are a tool of manipulation
21-December-2023 Thursday
Your own psychotherapist: let’s figure out how effective self-therapy is in solving psychological problems
21-December-2023 Thursday
“I was a different person”: crisis and identity gap
20-December-2023 Wednesday
It's time to get out: how to understand that staying at work is dangerous for the psyche?
20-December-2023 Wednesday
Why is it harmful to be good to everyone?
20-December-2023 Wednesday
The Psychology of Color in Marketing: How to Choose the Right Color for Your Brand
18-December-2023 Monday
Taboo on joy and the parental message “I live and work for you”
18-December-2023 Monday
The seductive convenience of problems: Why do some choose to endure?
18-December-2023 Monday
What to do when you're unmotivated
17-December-2023 Sunday
The Burden of Perfection: How to Deal with Perfectionism and Stop Procrastination
17-December-2023 Sunday
Coaching boom: sale of property, deep depression and other consequences of the heyday of the coaching market
17-December-2023 Sunday
“The Startup Curse”: Why do I lose interest in projects as soon as a routine appears?
20-July-2023 Thursday
Success Myth: How Society Legalizes Anxiety