best comments
When we were young and 25 years later
My kokoshniks
Summer bracelet
Reply to the post "This is what the path to a happy job looks like and an HR nightmare"
My kokoshniks
Mother-in-law is a world woman
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Mushrooms, please!
Pumpkin pie
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Who needs kokoshniks now?
My very first beadwork
Shirts for dad
Communal apartment
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
We have a wonderful house in our house...
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
For two families
Ticket to the past
An era has passed
Two aunts. The story of one photo
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Who needs kokoshniks now?
My kokoshniks
From childhood
Mushrooms, please!
Reply to the post "When we were young and 25 years later"
Reply to the post "When we were young and 25 years later"
Reply to the post “What fact is well known to people in your profession, but hardly known to others?”
Reply to the post “What fact is well known to people in your profession, but hardly known to others?”
Basics of financial literacy
I'm 43 today!
I'm 43 today!
I'm 43 today!
My kokoshniks
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Mother-in-law is a world woman
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Continuation of the post “Who needs kokoshniks now?”
Continuation of the post “Who needs kokoshniks now?”
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
My kokoshniks
My kokoshniks
My kokoshniks
Real things that seem to be fiction
I'm 43 today!
I'm 43 today!
I'm 43 today!
Northern Lights in the Altai Territory
I'm 43 today!
Chamber for "their own"
A friend sent me
A friend sent me
The office was broken
Mushrooms, please!
Continuation of the post "A wonderful settled in our house ..."
Mushrooms, please!
Mushrooms, please!
Mushrooms, please!
Mushrooms, please!
About thick and thin
About thick and thin
Summer bracelet
Summer bracelet
Summer bracelet
Swallows in the tunnel
Swallows in the tunnel
Swallows in the tunnel
My weight loss story part 3
Continuation of the post "A wonderful settled in our house ..."
Continuation of the post "A wonderful settled in our house ..."
We have a wonderful house in our house...
Reply to the post "When we were young and 25 years later"
Reply to the post "When we were young and 25 years later"
And again for mushrooms
And again for mushrooms
Shirts for dad
An era has passed
Foggy morning
Foggy morning
Foggy morning
It's spring again!
The office was broken
Top 22 funny patches for clothes and other things found on AliExpress
I'm 43 today!
Wash the floors
Ring in the shape of peony flowers
Golden crown with rays
Golden crown with rays
Golden crown with rays
Brooch unicorn
Brooch unicorn
Who are you, insect?
Who are you, insect?
My kokoshniks
My kokoshniks
Brooch "Scarab"
Brooch "Scarab"
My kokoshniks
Who needs kokoshniks now?
My kokoshniks
My kokoshniks
Continuation of the post "My kokoshniks"
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Continuation of the post “Who needs kokoshniks now?”
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Mother-in-law is a world woman
Jeans bag
Jeans bag
Jeans bag
plump cat
Brooch "Scarab"
Brooch "Scarab"
Raspberry wine
Continuation of the post “Who needs kokoshniks now?”
The first corset in my performance
Reply to the post "This is what the path to a happy job looks like and an HR nightmare"
What to do with hives?
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"
You won't see anything sadder today
Who needs kokoshniks now?
Participation in the project "Embroidery Russia with our own hands"