user6662248 comments, page 20

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18-July-2023 Tuesday
The answer to the post “We are dying out - do we need to give birth more?”

18-July-2023 Tuesday
Historian Alexander Myasnikov: Polish resentment against Russia is 400 years old

17-July-2023 Monday
Reviews on Yandex

17-July-2023 Monday
Successful outcome in 100%

17-July-2023 Monday
I went to the clinic, it's called

17-July-2023 Monday
Buryat authorities decided to euthanize stray dogs

17-July-2023 Monday
India sent a rocket to the moon

17-July-2023 Monday
A conflict broke out with a girl, you need an opinion

17-July-2023 Monday
I don't even know what to call this dish.

17-July-2023 Monday
“Work for three, but don’t ask for money!” The wages of workers in Russia under Nicholas II ...

17-July-2023 Monday
I wanted something fresh

17-July-2023 Monday
In Russia, they plan to introduce a fine for walking dogs without a muzzle

[21] [20] [19] [1]
