07-July-2024 Sunday
While the Children of Asia and the Holiday are in Yakutsk, at the same time in some gateway a crowd beat up a man
06-July-2024 Saturday
Family playing :)
04-July-2024 Thursday
How to buy old (vintage) things from the Seller’s closed warehouses (shops)?
04-February-2024 Sunday
Why do I have skin instead of skin?
04-February-2024 Sunday
How to download your beat from BandPass MDAW2?
04-February-2024 Sunday
I survived the disease!
18-January-2024 Thursday
I stole over $1,000,000 from a charity for African children.
18-January-2024 Thursday
How to recover from this?
17-October-2023 Tuesday
There is something wrong with my phone, please explain!
14-October-2023 Saturday
14-October-2023 Saturday
Why do I have blood instead of sperm???
11-October-2023 Wednesday
How does testosterone affect a person? Will my balls swell?