user5125048 comments

[11] [2] [1]

22-January-2024 Monday
I found cameras in our house

06-January-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “Well, wait a minute!” traumatic"

21-December-2023 Thursday
You are not yourself when you're hungry

13-December-2023 Wednesday
Let's see how many of us there are

07-December-2023 Thursday
Reply to the post “Parents demand that a teacher be fired because he has a personal life. Soon they will achieve that there will be no one to teach their “holy” children.”

04-December-2023 Monday
TOP 6 delicious salads for the New Year. An alternative to a fur coat and Olivier!

29-November-2023 Wednesday

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Am I a selfish asshole for not wanting to get married in a courthouse?

07-November-2023 Tuesday

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Asshole for calling my flatmates selfish because they keep food in their rooms and not in the shared kitchen?

26-October-2023 Thursday
How do you live there in these Moscows?

19-December-2022 Monday
I made it

[11] [2] [1]
