user4944711 comments

12-November-2023 Sunday
Adam Kadyrov will undergo surgery to expand his chest so that all the awards can fit there

09-November-2023 Thursday
Remember how it all began...

08-November-2023 Wednesday
Adam Kadyrov received another order - “For services to the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic”

07-November-2023 Tuesday
Adam walked somewhere into the distance

06-November-2023 Monday
Well, let's continue

05-November-2023 Sunday
An Uzbek, whom Dagestanis mistook for a Jew, recorded a comic video

05-November-2023 Sunday
Every Dagestani wants to know where the Jew sits?

03-November-2023 Friday
MMA fighter Vladimir Mineev bought tickets for Magomed Ismailov to Beirut, who had previously expressed his desire to go to the Gaza Strip

26-October-2023 Thursday
Obturator internus muscle

06-October-2023 Friday
Not an alternative to pickup or a return to 2007 (with disadvantages) - the Talkvio project. [Updates]

02-January-2023 Monday
Continuation of the post “Now goods from the Russian Federation to India will reach 2 times faster. Transport Corridor "North-South" began work»

26-December-2022 Monday
Come on, tell them about the run

18-December-2022 Sunday
The head of the Russian House in the Central African Republic is urgently evacuated to the Russian Federation after the assassination attempt

10-December-2022 Saturday
Coach of the Morocco national team, after the victory over Portugal
