best comments
On a wave of betrayal
A vulnerability has been published for all Russian mobile operators, which allows you to find out the number, IMEI and location of the subscriber.
Dogs have those awkward moments too
How I was a Kazakh
New year greetings
It's all about respect and family relationships, or if you don't have a son and grandchildren, then you are nobody worthy of respect!
"Shut up, Margaret!"
When I studied Russian on Aliexpress
League of Doctors, what is your diagnosis?
That fan...
Random Geography. Part 116. Uzbekistan.
Dishwasher. What happens inside while you work?
The thief is an intellectual.
She looked like an angel...
The President of Kazakhstan is on a short vacation
About the turkey
Batman vs Superman.
Wisdom teeth: cannot be removed
Why do cats go to bed with their owners?
Running with obstacles
On the programmer's day about pikabu logic
On the programmer's day about pikabu logic
Feedback in the mobile application of Kazpost
not science