27-November-2012 Tuesday
Guess who wrote!
25-November-2012 Sunday
21st Century: Girls love gay men...
09-November-2012 Friday
Avengers vs Hurricane ?
09-November-2012 Friday
- What if I blurt something out? - And lie! But play confidently. This is what they call a point of view! © Moscow does not believe in tears
09-November-2012 Friday
Horror stories for the night: The coffin in the photo
07-November-2012 Wednesday
Oncoming train
06-November-2012 Tuesday
Hillary Clinton: "We Created Al Qaeda"
06-November-2012 Tuesday
Are they brother and sister??
04-November-2012 Sunday
Are there my like-minded people?
04-November-2012 Sunday
Dead old woman seeks revenge
03-November-2012 Saturday
Night knocks
02-November-2012 Friday
Especially emotional do not read! My story for you at night
02-November-2012 Friday
Who served? Are they allowed to play?
02-November-2012 Friday
Interesting fact...
02-November-2012 Friday
The dog barks, and the caravan...