best comments
Ukrainian everyday life.
We have reached Murmansk!!!
Chotarzhu. A person living in a country that survives on handouts from the IMF and the United States and stands with outstretched hand in Europe also scares us.
This is Kyiv - Right Sector militants tried to seize a restaurant
Why do Ukrainians hate Russians so much?
Why do Ukrainians hate Russians so much?
Why do Ukrainians hate Russians so much?
Policemen filed a case for beating up radicals in Odessa
Near Donetsk wounded the leader of the "Right Sector" Dmitry Yarosh.
Airborne Forces Day in Donetsk
Putin punishing Rozignati Maidan!
The Tale of How Refugees Moved to Russia (Nizhny Novgorod)
Why do Ukrainians hate Russians so much?
Barack Obama's Nightmare!!!
Ukrainian sofa warriors-patriots
Laughter and horror
Urgently! I don't know where else to write
MTS Ukraine, in general, are bad people.
Why do Ukrainians hate Russians so much?
And in Tula it will rain now ^^
Regarding protests in Transcarpathia (OPINION)
Pikabushniki from ekb