tttralll comments, page 4

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28-March-2019 Thursday
Follow the red ball

22-March-2019 Friday
Various "guests" on the drilling rigs. Part 4

19-March-2019 Tuesday
Horseback riding in Altai.

14-March-2019 Thursday
I gave up the car in Moscow - conclusions after 2 months.

13-March-2019 Wednesday
Two men rescued from slavery near Sergiev Posad

01-March-2019 Friday
About the repair company

27-February-2019 Wednesday
Underwater Photographer of the Year Winners

21-February-2019 Thursday
DIY bathroom furniture

20-February-2019 Wednesday
In St. Petersburg, cats locked in an apartment flooded several floors. After the death of the mistress, the animals were left alone. But they will be saved!

05-February-2019 Tuesday
Residents of St. Petersburg independently cleared the snow in the yard.

01-February-2019 Friday
Lost heaven

31-January-2019 Thursday
About why I go without an umbrella even in the rain....

31-January-2019 Thursday
On the justice of the "struggle" of the taxi driver-extortionist

23-January-2019 Wednesday
Profitable proposition

16-January-2019 Wednesday
Stop in snowy Saratov

15-January-2019 Tuesday

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