trinity0504 comments

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30-December-2012 Sunday
Congratulations to all from the bottom of my heart!

29-December-2012 Saturday
Metal Periodic Table

26-December-2012 Wednesday
Find the title of the movie based on the main character.

17-December-2012 Monday
Eh, Peekaboo)

09-December-2012 Sunday
we did it

09-December-2012 Sunday
Good morning, Pikabu =) I hope you feel better than me?) don't get sick ^^

08-December-2012 Saturday
Why think like that? Are you tp..

08-December-2012 Saturday
for those who are going to the army for the new year!

08-December-2012 Saturday
In Russia, they invented a smartphone controlled by the eyes.

08-December-2012 Saturday
Marina Tsvetaeva.

08-December-2012 Saturday
Parallel Worlds

08-December-2012 Saturday
My wife skipped to her mother for the whole evening, tomorrow is another (which is rare for me) day off!

08-December-2012 Saturday
Physicist at my school

08-December-2012 Saturday
and this is our physicist

08-December-2012 Saturday

08-December-2012 Saturday
Strange question, but interesting!

08-December-2012 Saturday
When you have a cat, everything becomes a cat

08-December-2012 Saturday

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