travoved comments, page 43

[47] [44] [43] [42] [1]

14-August-2023 Monday
How I fought and overcame the den of drug addicts in my front door

30-July-2023 Sunday
Vesti.Karelia made a report about the refusal of the REQUEST for help to the participants of the NWO

02-July-2023 Sunday
Answer to the post "Learning to count correctly"

01-July-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post "But it all started so well ..."

12-April-2023 Wednesday
Nearly 200 pigs killed in drone attack on Russian pig farm

07-March-2023 Tuesday
First meeting with your mother's twin sister

27-February-2023 Monday
How does she know?

[47] [44] [43] [42] [1]
