traderapple posts

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23-December-2016 Friday
I decided to sell the phone.

24-May-2016 Tuesday
Back to the Future...

10-May-2016 Tuesday
And again about the Russian Post ....

28-April-2016 Thursday
Soyuz rocket launch from Vostochny cosmodrome.

12-April-2016 Tuesday
Photographed with famous astronauts.

31-December-2015 Thursday
My cat appreciated the tree.

08-November-2015 Sunday
Attraction of unprecedented generosity!

24-October-2015 Saturday
Not only cats are funny.

15-October-2015 Thursday
Sad... :(

01-September-2015 Tuesday
The scammers are already insolent

28-February-2015 Saturday
Megaphone cares about its customers)

05-November-2014 Wednesday
Nostalgia post ...

25-September-2014 Thursday
Not a big long post about "Autocuts" - part 2

25-September-2014 Thursday
Not a big long post about "Autocuts" or what is a coffin on wheels

21-September-2014 Sunday
Report on how I quit smoking.

12-September-2014 Friday
Everyone hatches out cats, and such a bug-eyed gopnik lives in my house)

02-September-2014 Tuesday
Report on how I quit smoking.

26-August-2014 Tuesday
Ukrainian refugees fled from temporary housing in Blagoveshchensk

15-August-2014 Friday
Bed sheets.

11-August-2014 Monday
Not much information for girls about relationships.

27-July-2014 Sunday
Last night I bought cookies for tea.

26-July-2014 Saturday
The whole truth about the downed Boeing.

21-July-2014 Monday
It was the 41st day of my beautiful summer .....

29-June-2014 Sunday
Homemade air conditioner

01-June-2014 Sunday
Sometimes you have to make sure that everything is bad before you grieve....

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