tps4053 comments, page 18

[19] [18] [17] [1]

09-April-2019 Tuesday

04-April-2019 Thursday
What are these cards?

12-March-2019 Tuesday
Online translator or intolerance to cats.

03-March-2019 Sunday
Taxi or own car: interesting calculations

27-February-2019 Wednesday
Double standarts

06-February-2019 Wednesday
M - marketing

04-February-2019 Monday
How I need your help...

03-February-2019 Sunday
Jeremy Clarkson and homophobia

03-February-2019 Sunday
A bit of gunnery

23-January-2019 Wednesday
If pens could talk, they'd be worried they're dying out

10-January-2019 Thursday
Abandoned Delimobil.

10-January-2019 Thursday

03-January-2019 Thursday
The Chinese are the first in history to land a spacecraft on the far side of the moon

17-December-2018 Monday
Shotguns from Mosin rifles

17-December-2018 Monday
Impressions from the American science fiction series The Ancient Greeks

15-December-2018 Saturday
Continuation of the story with the apartment where children with cancer temporarily lived.

13-December-2018 Thursday
Metric magic

24-November-2018 Saturday
20+ people who blew such stupidity that even we are ashamed of them

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