tower.16 posts

19-July-2018 Thursday
What the hell to do with the sixth half??

25-April-2018 Wednesday
Be realistic: don't tell the truth.

12-March-2018 Monday
When it's all over, do it.

12-March-2018 Monday
How my patience works

06-March-2018 Tuesday
Surprises from the first day of spring.

04-January-2018 Thursday
On the size of bodies in the universe.

24-December-2017 Sunday
It takes a lot of time to become long-lived.

27-August-2017 Sunday
By helping lazy people, you help them sit on your neck.

31-July-2017 Monday
Try not torture

08-March-2017 Wednesday
Please help me find the post.

22-May-2016 Sunday
not shared))
