toptishka posts

01-December-2023 Friday
Based on the already boring series about a boy's word

09-December-2022 Friday
World Cup in Qatar against "pop"

13-November-2022 Sunday
A miracle happened!

25-August-2022 Thursday
For big cat lovers

06-August-2022 Saturday
New victory for Fan ID in numbers

31-July-2022 Sunday
The result of the ingenious decision to introduce Fan ID in numbers

09-July-2022 Saturday
Fun in our football))

01-June-2022 Wednesday
About Johnny, but not about that

02-May-2022 Monday
Our football is over... Now officially

02-April-2022 Saturday
The second snow derby in the history of the RPL

20-June-2021 Sunday
A little about football and a good documentary

28-April-2021 Wednesday
A little positive about modern schooling

30-January-2020 Thursday
The series and surprise from double standards

18-May-2018 Friday
Funny summing up the football season

14-November-2017 Tuesday
Lawlessness of the Russian Orthodox Church or Leviathan in a single town
