tomsoier posts

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23-November-2010 Tuesday
Mathematical modeling of the demographic future of Russia: five scenarios

09-November-2010 Tuesday
Russia will introduce criminal liability for flashing mobile phones

22-September-2010 Wednesday
Peekaboo, take a break from political disputes

12-September-2010 Sunday
There is no such thing as bad PR (thoughts on politics)

08-September-2010 Wednesday
Putin stays until 2024

31-August-2010 Tuesday
A diatribe by Deputy Nikitin about the destruction of Russian civilization

31-August-2010 Tuesday
Luzhkov asks for 4 trillion rubles for the construction of roads in Moscow

28-August-2010 Saturday
Elephant Fail

26-August-2010 Thursday
Who is the prime minister and what should he do.

25-August-2010 Wednesday
Zadrot Zhenya

19-August-2010 Thursday
Russia is advised to flee as soon as possible

17-August-2010 Tuesday
So them!

16-July-2010 Friday
The State Duma adopted in the third reading the law on the FSB criticized by human rights activists

08-June-2010 Tuesday
Where did Bolgenos come from

31-May-2010 Monday
Boyfriend got his WOW account deleted

25-May-2010 Tuesday
Part of big politics or a banal typo?

20-May-2010 Thursday
Quote from the Critique of Pure Reason

07-May-2010 Friday

04-May-2010 Tuesday
The cat is trying to revive the cat.

28-March-2010 Sunday
Sister is bald.

03-January-2010 Sunday
Red Square on New Year's Eve.

02-January-2010 Saturday
Incident in the Field of Miracles

12-December-2009 Saturday
Recipe for your destruction

Post #26843

Mr. Freeman, part 58

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