titta comments, page 4

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22-March-2018 Thursday
How does a man cure hiccups?

24-January-2018 Wednesday
Psychiatrist on school massacre: 'Blaming social networks and computer games is nonsense'

16-December-2017 Saturday
Sending New Year's happiness from Zhukovsky

15-December-2017 Friday
I drank, I drank

30-November-2017 Thursday
Cry from the heart

24-May-2017 Wednesday
Another "excellent" work of the Russian Post

01-May-2017 Monday
thrifty grandmother

14-March-2017 Tuesday
Everyone has their own purpose

19-February-2017 Sunday
And you thought I was joking with you

11-December-2016 Sunday
Sleeping handsome man

03-March-2016 Thursday
Bro, check it out!

19-February-2016 Friday
Where do rumors come from

11-February-2016 Thursday
Kindness post "A tiny stray kitten has chosen a new owner in the park"

22-December-2015 Tuesday
A selection of good and free Android games

22-November-2015 Sunday
Citizens of the Russian Federation

06-November-2015 Friday

15-October-2015 Thursday
"My charm! My passion! Damn, how pleased I am!"

03-October-2015 Saturday

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