16-May-2023 Tuesday
"Shelter" - a series with an application for the best of this year in the fantasy genre
19-December-2022 Monday
Reply to "Help Needed!"
19-November-2022 Saturday
Children's deck chair
26-April-2022 Tuesday
Schrodinger's Darwin
20-April-2022 Wednesday
Two-Ear Stick
08-April-2022 Friday
Need help
21-March-2022 Monday
Match TV you're like brains out there??? Though what am I talking about?
28-December-2021 Tuesday
Gift for NG
12-October-2021 Tuesday
28-June-2021 Monday
Perfectionist Paradise
05-February-2021 Friday
Boiler room
04-December-2020 Friday
Stove in the gazebo
01-December-2020 Tuesday
The enchanting deception of the Okay hypermarket or how I wanted to buy a toaster
21-November-2020 Saturday
Dynamic Excel Dropdown Lists
03-November-2020 Tuesday
Forty-second episode. "Windy with..."
18-October-2020 Sunday
Nut placement