theTEMPEST posts

25-January-2014 Saturday
Comrades pikabushniki, please help me find a fairy tale

23-January-2014 Thursday

19-January-2014 Sunday
I ask for a little help

18-January-2014 Saturday
Beauty of the world NEED FOR SPEED (Part 1)

01-February-2013 Friday
Games of the past (Long post)

30-January-2013 Wednesday
When there is nothing to do in the hostel

30-January-2013 Wednesday
Legendary Phones 2005-2007

30-January-2013 Wednesday
New Age - New Legends

29-January-2013 Tuesday
Burj Dubai (Khalifa).

29-January-2013 Tuesday
10 cult phones of the last century

28-January-2013 Monday
The fastest motorcycle
