08-August-2023 Tuesday
The Ministry of Health excluded Fenilin from the State Register in June
21-January-2023 Saturday
-31 in Tomsk
05-January-2023 Thursday
Covers for the collected works of V. Krapivin (Blue series)
01-September-2022 Thursday
Figma is not for this
14-October-2018 Sunday
Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin is 80 years old!
09-April-2016 Saturday
Why do flight attendants keep their hands behind their backs during boarding?
19-February-2016 Friday
The YobiDoyobi company defended the brand before the state
22-April-2015 Wednesday
It's raining in Ulan-Ude today.
08-February-2015 Sunday
My trip to the Sochi Paralympics 2014.
07-February-2015 Saturday
Small collection.
13-January-2015 Tuesday
Happy Old New Year!