technican comments, page 38

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09-March-2023 Thursday
iTmr's response to "Situations where a person pretends to be an expert, not knowing that you are a professional in this matter"

25-January-2023 Wednesday
Book recommendation services based on reading

20-November-2022 Sunday
Help solve the puzzle

31-October-2022 Monday
I love our banks

19-August-2022 Friday
The effect of dopamine on the body: how it works and how to manage it. Part I: theory and practice

30-April-2022 Saturday
Let's create a free telegram bot

24-January-2022 Monday
This can happen to anyone.

22-January-2022 Saturday
When you sit for a month without a man!

02-September-2021 Thursday
Gagarin flew and I ran. Please help Peekaboo

14-July-2021 Wednesday
Found documents and more

20-February-2021 Saturday
Significant inventions based on the properties of animals

02-February-2021 Tuesday
What do hedgehogs eat?

18-July-2020 Saturday
There is such a profession, lighting pillars

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