01-December-2021 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Tuning "I'll burn your eyes""
19-October-2021 Tuesday
Reply to the post "Reply to the post" Rotten people in the traffic police ""
07-February-2021 Sunday
Hard childhood
14-January-2021 Thursday
contextual advertising
12-August-2020 Wednesday
About sex with my wife
01-July-2020 Wednesday
About a strange scam
23-May-2020 Saturday
Reply to the post "But delicious"
11-April-2020 Saturday
Have times changed?
04-April-2020 Saturday
In Russia it is temporarily prohibited to go bankrupt
03-April-2020 Friday
Mind games
22-March-2020 Sunday
The main thing is to spend your time well in quarantine
19-March-2020 Thursday
You need to be more careful
05-March-2020 Thursday
When you're fed up with stupid questions...
01-March-2020 Sunday
About gifts at work
28-February-2020 Friday
Cooking recipes
04-February-2020 Tuesday
Fear your wife
23-January-2020 Thursday
08-January-2020 Wednesday
Legal hockey
14-June-2019 Friday
30-May-2019 Thursday
When you look bad
25-January-2019 Friday
And again about the lower shelves
02-December-2018 Sunday
How to speak correctly.
25-June-2018 Monday
The secret of longevity
21-June-2018 Thursday
Fans at the 2018 World Cup