tatapoet comments

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31-October-2012 Wednesday
Ring from the past.

29-October-2012 Monday
Kurt Cobain's twenty-year-old daughter

25-October-2012 Thursday

23-October-2012 Tuesday
Smooth guys

08-October-2012 Monday
Happy catfather of the family)

08-October-2012 Monday
wedding gift

08-October-2012 Monday
help for God's sake

07-October-2012 Sunday
Who watched?

03-October-2012 Wednesday
zombie apocalypse begins

03-October-2012 Wednesday
Has changed...

03-October-2012 Wednesday
My fall version ;)

21-September-2012 Friday
about princesses waiting for a miracle

21-September-2012 Friday
Stephen King is 65 years old!

19-September-2012 Wednesday
Something I feel sorry for the cat Larry all day)

18-September-2012 Tuesday
The teacher made a mistake...

13-September-2012 Thursday
I do not know what to say....

12-September-2012 Wednesday
Statham is 45 years old.

10-September-2012 Monday
Being married is not being able to buy black socks

15-August-2012 Wednesday
So you married an intellectual ... (Husband and mouse)

31-July-2012 Tuesday
It seems to me that the cat began to suspect something

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