tarasik1991 comments

[7] [2] [1]

24-April-2020 Friday
The owners of Cotops are tired

24-April-2020 Friday
Personal characteristics

22-April-2020 Wednesday
It either has a brain or it doesn’t!

20-April-2020 Monday
I want to use the girl’s paid service in the future. I have a few questions

16-April-2020 Thursday
Welcome, welcome!) Tarasik!

15-April-2020 Wednesday
Rabies vaccination. Need advice

06-April-2020 Monday
10 "great" quotes about wine

06-April-2020 Monday
Lazy bathing of a small seal after breakfast

19-March-2020 Thursday
About semolina porridge and cow's udder

08-March-2020 Sunday
Post #7276972

29-February-2020 Saturday
Help me find a rare piece

20-November-2019 Wednesday
Funeral Home "Under an Angel's Wing" Part two. Christmas and death.

[7] [2] [1]
