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01-September-2013 Sunday
Well, I finally made a Scout. Maybe they will appreciate Pikabu. :h

27-August-2013 Tuesday
When they say, get yourself a girlfriend. I present it.

16-August-2013 Friday
Helicopter for everyone from cute "Pacahontas"

12-August-2013 Monday
About women, men and their requests.

11-August-2013 Sunday
Pickups, help! Urgently need to adopt a cat! Raise up please! Who is from the Dnepropetrovsk region, respond!

11-August-2013 Sunday
Features of the national handicraft production of weapons

10-August-2013 Saturday
There are not so many papers!

07-August-2013 Wednesday
Huashan Mountains and Death Path.

06-August-2013 Tuesday
Grandpa Dobri

04-August-2013 Sunday
Anger and outrage.

31-July-2013 Wednesday
Old Trojans

27-July-2013 Saturday
Seryozha and Liza are probably giants

22-March-2013 Friday

04-March-2013 Monday
Subtle humor T-mobile

28-February-2013 Thursday
Revealing secrets

28-February-2013 Thursday
Logical or illogical.

26-February-2013 Tuesday
In the summer in a quarry, I took a picture of mica a couple of times, it turned out that if you combine the pictures it will be 3D.

26-February-2013 Tuesday
What happens if you drill through the Earth and jump down there?

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