t00fer comments, page 185

30-October-2020 Friday
We enforce peace by force

30-October-2020 Friday
“Then I’ll give you a little laugh, I’ll give you a little laugh! From a distance I’ll give you a good time!”

30-October-2020 Friday
People believe in the dangers of 5G, renovations are being done in the apartment, a Faraday cage

30-October-2020 Friday
On the topic of taxi drivers

30-October-2020 Friday
Get the fuck out of my way!

29-October-2020 Thursday
A typical situation when you live in a candle

29-October-2020 Thursday
Tesla vs BMW

29-October-2020 Thursday
Post #7799191

29-October-2020 Thursday
Post #7799062

29-October-2020 Thursday
Post #7798990

28-October-2020 Wednesday
Post #7798444

28-October-2020 Wednesday
Post #7798314

27-October-2020 Tuesday
Post #7796203
