best comments
“On the ground, the submarine sleeps, but how far to the ground!”
“On the ground, the submarine sleeps, but how far to the ground!”
“On the ground, the submarine sleeps, but how far to the ground!”
Risen from oblivion
People with hearing loss, I ask for your help! UPD: The power of Peekaboo in action! Found, thank you very much!
Cute asian girl
Cerys An Krayt cosplay
Cerys An Krayt cosplay
Cerys An Krayt cosplay
Coming out
People with hearing loss, I ask for your help! UPD: The power of Peekaboo in action! Found, thank you very much!
Keris en Krayt
Keris en Krayt
Keris en Krayt
Elon Musk
Cerys An Krayt cosplay
Project "Interheliosonde" or better late than never
Project "Interheliosonde" or better late than never
Keris en Krayt
Grandpa got a cochlear implant tattoo to look like his grandson