susl comments

[22] [2] [1]

28-June-2014 Saturday
In memory of Ruslan Korshunova.

17-May-2014 Saturday
A month ago and now

15-May-2014 Thursday
We educate a student on the Internet

23-April-2014 Wednesday
and we have a mountain due from a tap, and you?

12-April-2014 Saturday
I do not understand something in this life ...

10-April-2014 Thursday
The bite of a highly toxic tarantula, namely "Poecilotheria miranda"

02-February-2014 Sunday
I want to help guys aged 18-27

29-January-2014 Wednesday
Revealing Revealing!!!

25-January-2014 Saturday
And how do you feel about it?

21-January-2014 Tuesday
Yesterday I just created a humorous headline

08-January-2014 Wednesday
Behind The Pixels: The Binding of Isaac

10-December-2013 Tuesday

09-December-2013 Monday
Nothing unusual, it's just that in my area, in Moscow, they decided to plant trees on December 12, and sprinkle black soil on the snow. This is Russia

28-November-2013 Thursday
I was left alone

26-November-2013 Tuesday
I'd love to, but...

17-November-2013 Sunday
A life....

08-November-2013 Friday
18 years old)) or "stop boor" on the Internet

07-December-2012 Friday
Burlest or how to surprise friends.

[22] [2] [1]
