best comments
Rospotrebnadzor has fun playing citizens against each other
Continuation of the post "Cheating with an external hard drive from onlinetrade.ru"
Inadequate woman on Avito
How much do you want to withdraw?
Work days...
Near the window
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Court with insolent Citylink
“There will be a garden city here”: how residents of Orsk 60 years ago planted trees and shrubs in streets, courtyards and squares
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How to leave work.
SOS! I'm being sued for my article. Part 2
Response to the post "Zhadina from KinoPoisk HD"
Citylink - defective monitor
Phone scammers know how to be offended
“You ride a Shushlaika, boy”: another drunk passenger made a scandal in a taxi
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A bit of yesterday's thunderstorm in the Lipetsk region