best comments
Give us $7,000 for New Year's and we'll come back and work
Give us $7,000 for New Year's and we'll come back and work
An entertaining story about how 631,000 rubles (in the estimate) turned into 384,000 rubles or “Another scheme to deceive customers”
How we have been led by the nose for decades with the help of just one number in GOST or “About GWP and the fight against“ aces ”from the construction industry”
Give us $7,000 for New Year's and we'll come back and work
How we have been led by the nose for decades with the help of just one number in GOST or “About GWP and the fight against“ aces ”from the construction industry”
Everyone does it, but I can't?
How we have been led by the nose for decades with the help of just one number in GOST or “About GWP and the fight against“ aces ”from the construction industry”
How we have been led by the nose for decades with the help of just one number in GOST or “About GWP and the fight against“ aces ”from the construction industry”
How 103 steps brought $8173
An entertaining story about how 631,000 rubles (in the estimate) turned into 384,000 rubles or “Another scheme to deceive customers”
About another reason for the appearance of mold (thanks to the developer)
“How we are fooled by the inscriptions on the packaging of materials” or “What does the inscription "56 dB" really mean?
How we have been led by the nose for decades with the help of just one number in GOST or “About GWP and the fight against“ aces ”from the construction industry”
How we have been led by the nose for decades with the help of just one number in GOST or “About GWP and the fight against“ aces ”from the construction industry”