strisch comments

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17-September-2017 Sunday
And how does she turn?

08-September-2017 Friday
Peekaboo, you are the power!

08-September-2017 Friday
Not a mammoth or how Alpha*ank was scared of Peekaboo

14-August-2017 Monday
What does a computer service actually do.

10-August-2017 Thursday
Shopping in a big city. Part 6. Find a car for 500 thousand or how a traveling circus forgot the clowns ...

02-August-2017 Wednesday
How surprised I was and how I was surprised

14-July-2017 Friday
Making a cutter with a laser

07-June-2017 Wednesday
About the trilithon from Baalbek. Transportation and construction of megaliths (Part II)

05-June-2017 Monday
That rare case when the mail-slowpoke pleased!

24-May-2017 Wednesday
What I learned about life by getting a cat

20-April-2017 Thursday
Tm: You can't argue

23-March-2017 Thursday
We add AUX to the old top cassette ALPINE TDA-7565/66/67/68.

22-March-2017 Wednesday
Proper replacement of the USB connector

06-March-2017 Monday
The pride of the Voronezh people!

01-February-2017 Wednesday
The inscription on the security camera

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