streltsovski comments, page 2

[7] [3] [2] [1]

03-May-2014 Saturday
Guys, just be happy for me. I bought myself a radio-controlled helicopter :)

03-May-2014 Saturday
They say they love cats here :)

03-May-2014 Saturday
Good morning!

01-May-2014 Thursday
Life is pain or how I kept a promise

30-April-2014 Wednesday
Domestic snake ^_^

29-April-2014 Tuesday

25-April-2014 Friday
Since such a topic has gone .. here)

24-April-2014 Thursday
By the time officials arrived in one of the Chelyabinsk courtyards, municipal services decided to paint the stone.

21-April-2014 Monday
actor Alexander Lenkov died

20-April-2014 Sunday
How I lived in North Korea

20-April-2014 Sunday
Oh that taste...

19-April-2014 Saturday
Hello from Vorkuta #2

19-April-2014 Saturday
Evening peekaboo.

19-April-2014 Saturday
Childhood dream come true

18-April-2014 Friday
It's been a long long day

10-April-2014 Thursday
Realities of life.

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