strabent comments

07-April-2015 Tuesday
In short, Part X

24-March-2015 Tuesday
Sasha, you are a jeweler!

19-March-2015 Thursday
Interesting fact

17-March-2015 Tuesday

17-March-2015 Tuesday
Pinky and the Brain in terms of science!

17-March-2015 Tuesday
decided to see what's new in his hometown

17-March-2015 Tuesday
Happy Saint Patrick's Day gentlemen

17-March-2015 Tuesday
Laughing gas

13-March-2015 Friday
What can a guy with such a belly in fights without rules

09-March-2015 Monday
Wheel painting (long post)

25-May-2014 Sunday
Grammar Nazis march across the country

22-May-2014 Thursday
Top Gear and Hitler

15-May-2014 Thursday
What a twist...

25-February-2014 Tuesday
Completely crazy
