best comments
good answer :D
Fiction writer Harry Harrison dies
about bad husbands
Villains who are difficult to sympathize with
Do you eat bread with watermelon?
They suggested so they suggested
The cry of the soul "not Orthodox"
Smart Search
yes we are there
and a little more about female logic
No, huh)?
Long legs
2nd grade!
Men, what do you hate about other men?
Well x** knows
How do I buy bread...
USSR through different eyes
Fuck yeah
And try to argue
You know, I just realized that...
Following Jeremy Clarkson, colleagues James May and Richard Hammond leave Top Gear.
Do you eat bread with watermelon?
Why do you need a girl in sports?
Do I speak normally?
Russian Post will start selling books
The answer to the post “Why is it allowed on our television to advertise loans at 5.9% per annum, which are outright lies?”
Graduation 4 class
Brief summary of the series "Doctor House"
When dad is a tattoo artist
Have you tried D:
It would be funny if it wasn't so vital :D
About a woman who is not cold (Long post)
Bloodhound gang
Realistically, why?
Heartiest congratulations from my best friend!
I don't know what to call it. Only mats come to mind.
DMB 001
Bayan but smiled at me)
The Dalai Lama made a landmark statement about unnecessary religion
Especially for the same Potteromaniacs like me :)
God will forgive!
Reply to the post “Making healthy chips for children”
Checkmate, amethysts
Useful mother.
About yesterday's football
Oh fuck...
Today I saw such a cloud. (Prague)
So where are they looking...
A man is a man.
How difficult is it?)
Breaking news!
And what is he wrong about?
Reply to the post “Greedy of the Year”
Older generation
Did it happen to you? (who doesn't want to "waste time, don't read")
Should I confess to a guy?
New family)))))))))
Some people get annoyed by this sound..)
The Dalai Lama made a landmark statement about unnecessary religion
Notes of a stylish man
20 minutes
Everyone had)
I don’t understand anything
Incident in World of Tanks
I've wanted a Jedi sword since I was a kid.
Sages of Middle-earth.
Eugene troll
Can't sleep.
Ready for NG)))
What is the most important thing in games?
Don't worry, think
Appreciate your parents
What should be aliens from a scientific point of view?
If you don't know what it's like, you haven't played Morrowind...
Guys, this is really fucked up =((
Guys, this is really fucked up =((
God will forgive!
Scarlett and Penelope
That's annoying...
So what really matters?
Interesting advertising
2nd grade!
Post for the best recipes for this soup(?)/salad(?)
About the good old religion.
Heartiest congratulations from my best friend!
Realistically, why?
Irkutsk!!! Looking for a home!
Ice cream
0 to 100
March 14, 2015
Music lovers please help :)
Either way it will
earth model without water
Should I confess to a guy?
Ancient customs of "sexual hospitality".
I sit on a tube
Vegans vs Meat Eaters
Brief summary of the series "Doctor House"
Do I speak normally?
Let's stay friends
Girls vs Dota :)))
Girls vs Dota :)))
original ^_^
original ^_^
At the crime scene...
Communication is bad, can't make out anything
Today in the store.
TOP 10 Scariest Horror Movies
Have you tried D:
Have you tried D:
Have you tried D:
Terrible bear. I drew in lectures.
Clearly understood.