worst comments
Ukrainian Maria Muzychuk is the world chess champion
Ukrainian Maria Muzychuk is the world chess champion
On this day, Stirlitz was closer than ever to failure.
Chicken head in a jar. Day 328 (11 months and 23 days)
Someone really didn't like Adam Sandler's last movie..
Strange remarks from Brussels and Washington to Russia.
Somewhere in a parallel universe. =)
You'll all be sorry you didn't meet me at school.
We are all people in Syria, the government, the president - we want to thank Russia.
About popularity
When unlucky with a surname
When unlucky with a surname
When unlucky with a surname
It is possible that soon this event will become a new sensation.
When unlucky with a surname
When unlucky with a surname
It is possible that soon this event will become a new sensation.
Combat Robot
Polish President: There are fears that the time of peace in Eastern Europe has passed
Some of my portraits :)
Funny mixed breed dogs
I am a duck.
However, hello.
So many questions
Rigatoni with sausages and tomato sauce.
Unrequited love.
Proper advertising for HEINZ ketchup
For fans of B. and A. Strugatsky
"This is how my father disposed of his own bone after his operation to replace it."