smart161616 comments

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18-July-2015 Saturday
"Relatives came to rest as savages in Anapa and built a three-room tent"

18-July-2015 Saturday
You are 30 years old... go to sleep, old farts!

16-July-2015 Thursday
Pluto and Sochi

11-July-2015 Saturday
What does "x42 zoom" mean?

10-July-2015 Friday
No one in my life has ever loved me as much as he did.

27-June-2015 Saturday
When the queue in the hall is too big

26-June-2015 Friday
The Royal Guard in London scared a tourist with a rifle

21-June-2015 Sunday
Amethyst Club

19-June-2015 Friday
An employee named Vitaly brought his girlfriend's beech to be cleaned.

29-May-2015 Friday
The joy of a gynecologist =)

23-May-2015 Saturday
Great job

14-May-2015 Thursday
3 times I was a witness at the weddings of friends ....

05-May-2015 Tuesday
Peekaboo helps with money

05-May-2015 Tuesday
I can not understand what kind of tank he has?

05-May-2015 Tuesday
Waiting for a miracle ...

04-May-2015 Monday
Don't provoke the cat.

30-April-2015 Thursday
Krasnoyarsk! Help find the bike thief!

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