best comments
Meme about Kutkh
Meet or something - the same lad, Stanislav Dzirkvadze
BadComedian thanks everyone for their support
“Alas, one has already been demolished” I’m talking about the last surviving ultra-high voltage laboratory in Leningrad
So I bought a video card...
Everyone's off to hay!)
Nobody reads specs
Why do Chukchi have to change wives.
History teaches what it teaches nothing
They brought a toy from the USSR to an antique store
"This is cheap stupid rubbish, molded with crooked hands, which Eugene talks about." "Goblin" about the situation around BadComedian
This is how it works now!
All through the ass
Why did Ford paint corners at the factory?
Brought to the Antique Store Soviet Toy Penguin With Remote Control
Temporary difficulties
I was thinking...
They cut the forest - the chips fly
"You are behaving like offended children." Sergey Minaev stood up for BadComedian
The story of how in 1983, for the first time in the world, both legs were sewn on to a child.
A friend told me that he has his own bunker, but it’s with his grandmother in the village
Despite the statements of the mayor and the governor, there is a barrier again on the Bugaz Spit
The Chinese never cease to amaze
British parking fights
Guessed wrong
They brought a toy from the USSR to an antique store
Krasnodar judges will call lawyer Zhorin to account
about traditional medicine.
Temporary difficulties
A little more about Yekaterinburg and the temple
Vorkuta or life in the north through the eyes of the inhabitants.
Peekaboo lately
Diabetic “Lie down and die without insulin”
Uzbek comrades.
The story of how in 1983, for the first time in the world, both legs were sewn on to a child.
You come to my house, but you do it without respect.
Uzbek comrades.
Alcohol and courage
Meanwhile in Australia...
3 weeks left before the petrol collapse
Electrical burn of the hand, stages of treatment, result. Mega tough! Then don't complain
Housing and communal services: Stories (95)
uranium glass
Now the richest man on the planet - Bernard Arnault