skotolozhec comments, page 91

[91] [90] [1]

16-December-2024 Monday
The US defense budget is $884 billion. How much of that will go to Hurricane Helene victims?

16-December-2024 Monday
Very strange censorship

16-December-2024 Monday
Russia proposes tax on taxis and delivery

16-December-2024 Monday
The Battle of Britain: Operation Sea Lion and the Bombing of London

16-December-2024 Monday
Reply to the post "Yandex.Taxi"

15-December-2024 Sunday
Congratulations, another bottom breakthrough

15-December-2024 Sunday
Reply to barster in "Thanks for the pasyukov"

14-December-2024 Saturday
AI will kill you. It's only a matter of time.

14-December-2024 Saturday
Communism vs. Capitalism

14-December-2024 Saturday
My opinion about losing vigilance in SVO

14-December-2024 Saturday
Why is the bosses so greedy that they are ready to drown themselves? Just to avoid paying

14-December-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "Liberal or not liberal?"

13-December-2024 Friday
Please judge whether I am really a bad person.

13-December-2024 Friday
Hitler takes over Europe: occupation of France, Belgium and Luxembourg. The "Miracle of Dunkirk"

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