sk0r comments, page 2
27-September-2018 Thursday
Say a word about Robin Hood...
07-February-2018 Wednesday
Dangerous visor or how I saved people (did not save)
23-January-2018 Tuesday
Beautifully done
17-January-2018 Wednesday
Won a trial for a burned-out UAZ
10-January-2018 Wednesday
EMS-Russian Post lost your shipment?
06-December-2017 Wednesday
A little about places and luggage on trains
21-November-2017 Tuesday
What is this thing?
26-October-2017 Thursday
What is the strength in, brother?
19-October-2017 Thursday
Party canceled in the village of Ryrkaipiy in Chukotka
11-October-2017 Wednesday
I didn't press!
11-October-2017 Wednesday
Instructions on how to ban a scammer on Aliexpress
03-October-2017 Tuesday
In Kemerovo, the stadiums are so harsh ...
02-October-2017 Monday
The conversation of the Dutch correspondent with the farmer turned into hysterics and uncontrollable laughter.
08-September-2017 Friday
Burning Man Festival
16-August-2017 Wednesday
Good evening everyone.
27-July-2017 Thursday
Knocked down a "drunk boy" said that the media ruined her life
20-July-2017 Thursday
First Car and Family Car Program
31-May-2017 Wednesday
22 healthy teeth.